Price: $
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RationalPlan Project Viewer


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A free tool for viewing projects created with RationalPlan products or MS Project files

Stand By Soft Ltd. | 1 more apps |
updated on March 10, 2025
113.2mb | free


User friendly interface
Info section for every project detail


RationalPlan Project Viewer
Price: $
RationalPlan Project Viewer is a free tool for viewing projects created with RationalPlan products as well as MS Project files. You can use it to view projects created either by RationalPlan Single Project or Multi Project. For viewing MS Project files you don't need to have MS Project installed on your machine.

This product is intended for people besides project managers involved with the project, such as team workers, stakeholders and similar, for being able to have insight into the projects, without being able to modify them. It can be used instead of reports, allowing anyone to see the desired project information.

Information about the project can be accessed from the "Project Guide" pane, which is divided into three main sections (Project, Planning and Controlling). From here you can view any information about the project, analyze it, analyze the risks, inspect projects evolution, view charts, budget plans, resources, assignments, tasks, material information and similar.

Options window allows you also to modify a few things, such as Chart settings, Colors, configure Email server, modify Storage information, set Server URL and others. Additionally, RationalPlan Project Viewer can be also used to print various reports and to export project data.

For conclusion, RationalPlan Project Viewer is a great tool for anyone involved with the project, to view any information about the project, without having to rely only on reports sent by email and similar information.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• Java Runtime Environment 8.0

Previous versions

Operating system


Supported languages

Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Portuguese PT, Romanian,
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Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian

Other platforms


Total: 149
Last week: 2

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